Sequar Verse Submission Guidlines


Headshot. Abbreviated biography (200 words of less). Curriculum Vitae. Social media handles and relevant links.

Their Words.

5 selections from foundational and unsung literary artists of the past. 2 selections from contemporary rising literary artists.

Your Words.

2-3 of your own literary works. Literary works includes: books, anthologies, journal and newspaper articles, reports, conference papers, working papers, letters, emails, novels, poetry, song lyrics.

OUr Pace.

The gallery will collect submissions throughout the month and announce the selected artists on the 1st of the following month. The works will be posted weekly for the following moth. To be featured during a particular month, please make your submission by the last working day of the previous month. We will select 4 artists per month.

Please send your submission to our Gallery Curator:

PLEASE NOTE: We will only accept excerpts of paper, articles, novels, and anthologies

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.